At first, this mama’s dream came true. Stay-at-Home orders meant having my people together, all of us on generally the same schedule and without the distractions of other places to go and other people to see. I felt like I…
PSA: Your Home is for You, Not the Next Buyer
Let’s get one thing straight, right here, right now. Your home, while you live in it, is for you, by you, about you. Nobody but you and the people you love who live there with you. Your home is for…
Tips for the Pottery Barn Style Groupies
Ever schemed much how you could hide out among the display draperies or hanging rugs, all stealth and undetected at closing time, so you could stay the night and truly experience all that Pottery Barn style your favorite home store…
Creating Spaces that Serve You Well
There is perhaps nothing more sorrowful in life than unrequited love, especially when it comes to your home. In order to become (and remain) smitten with your space, you’ll ultimately need rooms that make your heart go pitter-pat AND love…
A New Take on Meal Prep (Because I Hate It)
Let’s be real here for a minute. When I hear the words “meal prep”, I literally tense up. Like in a moany, groany, stick-my-head-in-a-hole, please-don’t-make-me-go-to-the-grocery-store kind of way. It’s procrastination at it’s finest. I just really hate meal prep. I…
8 Ways to Start the New Year Right
With so much advice coming at you on how to live your best life, accomplish more and be better, stronger, and more successful than last year, facing the new year can leave you wondering where to start. Here’s my best…